P 1
P 2
P 3
P 4
P 5
P 6
P 7
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P 10
  prevent   原形 + as [though] (譲歩) …   have (使役) … to 不定詞   none   neither   not ... already
  themself   aren't I
  prevent ・・・ ( from ) 〜 ing   「 ・・・ するのを妨げる
   Percy hurried forwards with his hand outstretched. Apparently his disapproval of the way
  Ludo Bagman ran his department did not prevent him wanting to make a good impression.
                           ( 第4巻 『炎のゴブレット』 p80 )


   The match became still faster, but more brutal. Volkov and Vulchanov, the Bulgarian
  Beaters, were whacking the Bludgers as fiercely as possible at the Irish Chasers, and were
  starting to prevent them using some of their best moves; twice they were forced to scatter,
  and then, finally Ivanova managed to break through their ranks, dodge the Keeper, Ryan,
  and score Bulgaria's first goal.         ( 第4巻 『炎のゴブレット』 p97 )


   The next thing Harry felt was considerable pain. He had both jumped and tried to prevent
  himself from jumping − the result was that he'd smashed headlong into the desk, knocking
  it over, and, by the feeling in his legs, franctured both his kneecaps.
                          ( 第4巻 『炎のゴブレット』 p204 )


   Karkaroff hovered behind Snape's desk for the rest of the double period. He seemed intent
  on preventing Snape slipping away at the end of class.  ( 第4巻 『炎のゴブレット』 p450 )


   Staring, Harry put his hand into the basin and attempted to touch the potion. He met an
  invisible barrier that prevented him coming within an inch of it.
                           ( 第6巻 『謎のプリンス』 p531 )

   Harry had no answers: there were moments when he wondered whether it had been outright
  madness not to try to prevent Voldemort breaking open the tomb. He could not even explain
  satisfactorily why he had decided against it: every time he tried to reconstruct the internal
  arguments that had led to his decision, they sounded feebler to him.
                           ( 第7巻 『死の秘宝』 p406 )


   ‘They say he showed remorse in later years, alone in his cell at Nurmengard. I hope that
  it is true. I would like to think he did feel the horror and shame of what he had done.
  Perhaps that lie to Voldemort was his attempt to make amends ... to prevent Voldemort from
  taking the Hallow ...’
   ‘... or maybe from breaking into your tomb?’ suggested Harry, and Dumbledore dabbed his
  eyes.                       ( 第7巻 『死の秘宝』 p576 )

  prevent [ SVO from doing ] <人・物・事が> (予定された) <人・事> が … するのを妨げる
  ◆ stop [ keep ] O from doing より堅い語; → hinder;
  I prevented him (from) going. 彼を行かせないようにした
  《 ◆ from を省略した形は彼がすでに行為を行いつつあるのを直接的に妨害した意になる。したがって
  次例では from の省略は不可. 》
  Illness prevented me from coming to school. 病気のため登校できなかった
                                ( 『ジーニアス英和辞典』 )
  原形 + as [though] + S + may   「 ・・・ だけれども 」 / 「 いかに ・・・ しても
   ‘He was provoked, Professor Snape,’ said Hagrid, sticking his huge hairy face out from
  behind the tree. ‘Malfoy was insultin' his family.’
   ‘Be that as it may, fighting is against Hogwarts rules, Hagrid,’ said Snape silkily. ‘Five
  points from Griffindor, Weasley, and be grateful it isn't more. Move along, all of you.’
                             ( 第1巻 『賢者の石』 p144 )
  は五点減点。これだけですんでありがたいと思いたまえ。さあ諸君、行きなさい」 スネイプがよどみなく

   They had Potions that afternoon, which was an unqualified disaster. Try as Harry might,
  he couldn't get his Confusing Concoction to thicken, and Snape, standing watching with an
  air of vindictive pleasure, scribbed something that looked suspiciously like a zero onto his
  notes before moving away.          ( 第3巻 『アズカバンの囚人』 p233 )


   Cudgel his brains though he might, Harry could not remember Dumbledore ever mentioning
  a place in which he might hide something.      ( 第7巻 『死の秘宝』 p256 )

  as 《文語》 《譲歩》 《名詞・形容詞・副詞を前に置いて》 … だけれども ( though ) ;
  《動詞を前に置いて》 《通例 may, might, will, would などを伴って》 いかに ・・・ しても :
  be that as it may  そうかもしれないが
  Try as she would, she could not remember a word of what he said.
  Try as I may 一応はやってはみるけれど          ( 『ランダムハウス英和大辞典』 )
  be [ be の特殊用法 ] Be that as it may, ・・・  それはともあれ ・・・
  as [ 譲歩 ] 《文》 [ 程度などを示す形容詞、副詞、名詞、動詞を前に置いて ] 
  ( … である )けれども ( though )
   Try as she does [ will, may, might ], she never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.
                               ( 『ジーニアス英和辞典 』 )
  have + O + to 原形      * have ( 使役動詞 ) + O + to do ( to‐不定詞 )
   I do hope you will allow us to take Harry to the match, as this really is a once-in-a-lifetime
  opportunity; Britain hasn't hosted the Cup for thirty years and tickets are extremely hard to
  come by. We would of course be glad to have Harry to stay for the remainder of the summer
  holidays, and to see him safely onto the train back to school.
  ( 第4巻 『炎のゴブレット』 p32 )


   ‘Thanks for having us to stay, Mrs Weasley,’ said Hermione, as they climbed on board,
  closed the door and leant out of the window to talk to her.  ( 第4巻 『炎のゴブレット』 p146 )


   ‘Yes,’ said Mr Weasley, ‘even if you won't let Harry use the fellytone −’
   ‘Telephone ,’ whispered Hermione.
   ‘− Yeah, if we get any hint that Potter's been mistreated in any way, you'll have us to
  answer to,’ said Moody.          ( 第5巻 『不死鳥の騎士団』 p766 )

   「そうですとも」 ウィーズリーおじさんが言った。「たとえあなたたちが、ハリーに
   「電話(テレフォン)」 ハーマイオニーが囁いた。
  我々が黙ってはおらん」 ムーディが言った。
  have  客として招く ; もてなす ( entertain )
  We had them to stay with us.  彼らを招いて泊めた.      ( 『研究社 英和大辞典 』 )
  have + 目的語 + to do
  ◎ I'm sorry that I shan't be able to have you to stay here. ( 気の毒だけれど、お前にここに居
    てもらうわけにはいかないんだよ )――Maugham:The Painted Veil
  ◎ We shall have the butler to prove the loss of the article. ( 執事さんにその品物の紛失を証
    明していただくことになりましょう )――Galsworthy:The Silver Box
  ◎ We'd like to have someone to say a word at the beginning to welcome the group.
    ( 一行を歓迎するために最初にどなたかに一言しゃべっていただきたい ) 〔 Fries: Structure〕.
  このような to−Infinitive の続く例について、Poutsma (Grammar, Ch.LV,§38) は、
  ◎ Why do you have disreputable people to stay with you ? ( なぜ評判のよくない人たちに泊
    まってもらうのですか )――Mrs. Ward:The Case of Richard Meynell.
  などの例をあげて、to−Infinitive は「目的」をあらわす副詞的な修飾句と解するのがよい、と述べてい
  ます。しかし、これは使役動詞 have の慣用に例外を認めないようにする窮余の説明のようにも思われ
  ます。Curme ( Syntax, p124 ) のように、
  ◎ I shall have him do [ sometimes to do ] it. ( 彼にそれをしてもらうことになる )
  ときとして to 付きの不定詞のくることを認めたほうがよいと筆者(小川)には考えられます。
                                  ( 『英語語法大事典 』 )
  none  「 なにも ( だれも ) 〜 ない 」   * 単数扱いの例
   She turned to the rest of the class.
   ‘None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms
  where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you say “Quidditch”. Come on, dear.’
                             ( 第1巻 『賢者の石』 p110 )
  none 《◆ no の代名詞用法に相当 》 [ 〜 of + the [ one's, these など ] + 複数名詞 ; 単数・複数扱
  い ] ( … のうちの ) 何ひとつ …ない、だれひとり … ない
  None of the boxes are [ is ] empty. 箱はどれも空でない ( = Not one of the boxes is [ are ]
  empty. ) 《◆ 本来は単数扱いであるが後の複数名詞に引かれて複数扱いされることが多い 》
  None of the members have cast their votes yet. 会員の誰もまだ投票していない 《◆ (1) of 句
  が続く場合 none を no one, nobody で置き換えられない. (2) 《正式》では None of the members
  has cast his [ 《NS》 his or her ] vote yet. ともいう 》.      ( 『ジーニアス英和辞典 』 )
  neither  「 どちらも 〜 ない 」   * 単数扱いの例
   ‘Well, a second's there to take over if you die,’ said Ron casually, getting started at last
  on his cold pie. Catching the look on Harry's face, he added quickly, ‘but people only die
  in proper duels, you know, with real wizards. The most you and Malfoy'll be able to do is
  send sparks at each other. Neither of you knows enough magic to do any real damage.
  I bet he expected you to refuse, anyway.’           ( 第1巻 『賢者の石』 p114 )


   ‘You sound like Lucius. Neither of you understands Potter as I do. He does not need
  finding. Potter will come to me.’         ( 第7巻 『死の秘宝』 p525 )

  neither 〔 代 〕 [ 通例 〜 of ... の句で ] どちらも ・・・ ない
  Neither ( of my friends ) has [《略式》 have ] come yet. (友人の)どちらもまだ来ていない.
 《◆ 《略式》では形容詞として用いて Neither one of my friends has come yet. という傾向がある 》
 〔 語法 〕 3者以上には none : None of my three friends has [ have ] come yet.
 《◆ have の方が普通》                   ( 『ジーニアス英和辞典 』 )

   〔 ・・・ neither A or B :  A や B を ・・・ しない 〕
   Neither Neville or Hermione showed the slightest interest in what lay underneath the dog
  and the trapdoor. All Neville cared about was never going near the dog again.
                             ( 第1巻 『賢者の石』 p121 )


   Harry thought. Then he said slowly, ‘It shows us what we want ... whatever we want ...’
   ‘Yes and no,’ said Dumbledore quietly. ‘It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest,
  most desperate desire of our hearts. You, who have never known your family, see them
  standing around you. Ronald Weasley, who has always been overshadowed by his brothers,
  sees himself standing alone, the best of all of them. However, this mirror will give us neither
  knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away before it, entranced by what they have seen, or
  been driven mad, not knowing if what it shows is real or even possible.’
                             ( 第1巻 『賢者の石』 p157 )
 考察 〕 neither A nor B は 「 A でも B でもない 」 と両方を否定する表現であるが、否定の
 意味は先行する neither の1語だけで十分なのかもしれない。あえて別の否定語 nor を続けなくても誤解
  not ・・・ already  「 まだ 〜 ない
   Harry turned around − and saw, quite clearly, what. For a moment, he was sure he'd
  walked into a nightmare − this was too much, on top of everything that had happened so far.
   They weren't in a room, as he had supposed. They were in a corridor. The forbidden
  corridor on the third floor. And now they knew why it was forbidden.
   They were looking straight into the eyes of a monstrous dog, a dog which filled the whole
  space betweeen ceiling and floor. It had three heads. Three pairs of rolling, mad eyes;
  three noses, twitching and quivering in their direction; three drooling mouths, saliva hanging
  in slippery ropes from yellowish fangs.
   It was standing quite still, all six eyes staring at them, and Harry knew that the only reason
  they weren't already dead was that their sudden appearance had taken it by surprise, but it
  was quickly getting over that, there was no mistaking what those thunderous growls meant.
                             ( 第1巻 『賢者の石』 p119 )

   not ... already   not ... already の起こる場合について、用例を中心に解説しましょう。
  まず、 if−Clause や whether−Clause についてですが、これらは疑問文に近い性質をもっています。
  これらの節の中では any という語が疑問文の場合に準じて用いられることを思い合わせてください。
  (1) Sooner or later he will come to Chimneys. That is, if he is not already here!
   ――Christie: The Secret of Chimneys.
  (2) Davenport will wish to prevent him speaking――if he hasn't already done so.
   ――Crofts: Golden Ashes.
  (3) ... the poor cowering creature without any teeth, her face all caved in like an old
   woman's, wondering whether she wasn't really and in fact dead――wondering whether
   she wasn't already in hell.
   いるのではなかろうか、すでに地獄に来ているのではなかろうかと思って ... )
   ――A. Huxley: Mortal Coils
  関係詞節にもときどき not ... already の存在することがありますが、意味上 if−Clause に類似してい
  (4) Those who have not already done so should make a thorough examination of the inside
   of the mouth by means of a hand looking-glass.
   ――Jones: An Outline of English Phonetics.
  (5) I can't think of anything else to buy that I haven't got already.
   ――Christie: Mr. Parker Pyne, Detective.
  とくに関係詞節の場合は、(5) の例のようにその主節のほうにも否定があって全体として二重否定を
  なすことが比較的多いようです。that−Clause に現れていることもあります。
  (6) How am I to be sure that the measures we're adopting to get Carmichael safely into
   Baghdad aren't known already to the other side?
   れていないとは、どうして私に確信がありましょう)――Christie: They Came to Baghdad.
  (7) I hope you haven't already read it.
   (すでにお読みになったのでなければいいのですが)――Traver: op. cit.
  以上 (1)〜(7) の諸例のうち、意味上 not ... yet に最も近いのは (1), (2) のような if−Clause における
  場合、および (4), (5) のような関係詞節における場合ですが、そのときも not ... yet が「まだ ... でない」
  と直接的な否定であるのに対し、 not ... already は「すでに ... したのではない」と間接的な否定である
  と考えられます。逆に、 not ... yet と全然異なるのは (3) のような whether−Clause における場合で
  す。全体の例を通じて言えることは、 not ... already は「 already を含む文または節の全体を否定する
  ものである」ということでしょう。     ( 『英語語法大事典』 * 関連部分のみ引用 )
 考察 〕 この場面は、ハリーが「悪夢の中に足を踏み入れてしまった」ような感覚におそわれ、
 「現実なのか非現実なのか ― 生きているのか、死んでいるのか」定かでない状況の中で、あれこれ思い
 の理由は … 」のような表現に読み取れる。 < ・・・ the only reason (that) they weren't already dead >
 の関係詞節は、一旦 < already dead > の肯定の状態を、あるいは already ( 「もうすでに」 )
 状態を not で打ち消すため、If−Clause の意味合いが生じてくるのではないだろうか。 < not ・・・ yet >
 の場合は、最初から <dead> の状態をイメージすることなく < dead > へ至る前の状態のイメージを
 (4) の例文では < already done > の状態から < have not ・・・ > という正反対の状態を想定する
   ‘I'm going for it!’ Fred Weasley hissed down the table, his face lit with enthusiasm at the
  prospect of such glory and riches. He was not the only person who seemed to be visualising
  themself as Hogwarts champion.    ( 第4巻 『炎のゴブレット』 p166 )


   Moody took out a register, shook his long mane of grizzled grey hair out of his twisted and
  scarred face and began to call out names, his normal eye moving steadily down the list while
  his magical eye swivelled around, fixing upon each student as he or she answered.
   ‘Right then,’ he said, when the last person had declared themselves present, ‘I've had a
  letter from Professor Lupin about this class. Seems you've had a pretty thorough grounding
  in tackling Dark creatures − you've covered Boggarts, Red Caps, Hinkypunks, Grindylows,
  Kappas, and werewolves, is that right?’      ( 第4巻 『炎のゴブレット』 p186 )

 themself = themselves 〔 代 〕 彼ら自身 :
 再帰代名詞を作る “−self” は、標準語では単数であるが、方言や俗語では、しばしば複数形の
 “−selves” の代わりに使用される場合がある。        ( 『アメリカ文学方言辞典』 )
 themself pron. 《非標準》 1 = themselves.  2 = himself ; herself ( ⇒ themselves )
 themselves pron. [ 再帰用法 ] 彼ら [ 彼女ら、それら ] 自身を :
 ★ 《口語》 では単数の不定代名詞を受けて himself または herself に代わって用いられる :
 Everyone [ Every person ] likes to keep such things to themselves. だれもがそのようなものを
 ひとり占めしたがる [ 他言したがらない ].            ( 『研究社 英和大辞典』 )
 〔 考察 〕 the only person や the last person は non-sexism ( 非性差別 )の観点から男性・女性ど
 ちらの可能性をも配慮した < himself or herself > や < themselves > をそれぞれの再帰代名詞と
 して使っているようだ。通常 < themselves > は複数名詞に対応するので、the only person の単数名
 詞とは「数」の点で対応しないという矛盾が生じるため < themself > という単数形が生み出されたので
  aren't I
   ‘What's all that, Hermione?’ Harry asked, pointing at not one, but three, bulging bags in
  the chair next to her.
   ‘Well, I'm taking more new subjects than you, aren't I?’ said Hermione. ‘Those are my
  books for Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, the Study of Ancient Runes,
  Muggle Studis −’              ( 第3巻 『アズカバンの囚人』 p47 )

   「ほら、私、あなたたちよりもたくさん新しい科目をとるでしょ? これ、その教科書よ。数占い、
 aren't 《口語》 am not の短縮形 (◆ 付加疑問文に用いられることが多い) I'm your best friend,
 aren't I? 僕は君の親友だよね / Aren't I clear? 私の言っていることははっきりしていませんか
                               ( 『サンライズ英和辞典』 )

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